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One of the common misconceptions that many new warriors make when seeking to understand Warrior Chemistry is that this sacred fuel that lies deep within all of us is made manifest by loud outbursts of uncontrollable (even borderline violent behavior) in a Sons of Helaman/Men of Moroni/pick-your-recovery-group setting.
True Warrior Chemistry is nothing more than extreme, righteous focus. Sure, sometimes this energy is accompanied by visceral shouts or physical motion, but never is that energy out-of-control or aimless. The goal is always high and the vision always clear. Dialed-in. Determined. Dauntless.
Spenny and I were introduced to boxing by one of our recovery mentors and we learned unique ways to channel our Warrior Chemistry through this sport. Great fighters know how to focus their energy to physically weaken their opponents while also protecting themselves. The skills we learn in Sons of Helaman teach us the same principles applied in a different self-mastery context.
We highly recommend trying out a boxing club or class to see if letting loose on a bag is right for you. Below are some key things that helped us to get started and even allow us to keep on practicing at home.