Covenant Eyes - The Ultimate in Accountability

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Internet filters don't work. At least, they aren't bulletproof.

We all know the tricks of how to "get around" internet filters if we really want to (or at least if our lizard brain does). This was one of the biggest challenges that I faced in my recovery journey. When I was working with my mom as my accountability partner and, like many of you, would withhold the truth of my battles because I didn't want to make things worse for her. I would get so frustrated that I was still able to access inappropriate content after I thought we had "locked down" the computer and other internet devices. Satan would even creep in and whisper lies like "Well, this really doesn't count because the filter didn't catch it". These continued lost battles were really hard on me, I wanted so badly to be completely honest, but I oftentimes struggled to find the words to report to my mom. On some occasions, I was able to get it out, but then my mom would be flummoxed that I was still getting into bad stuff.

I allowed satan to play the repeat track of "boy, you must really like this stuff if you go to such lengths to get to porn!" He played the same tune to my mom and, after continually losing battles by going around filters, it started to ring pretty true to both of us. Anytime satan starts to sound like he's making sense you need to have serious sirens going off in your mind. 

The conversations we were having at first had decayed from constructive accountability to contention and really questioning each other's motives for change. Sound familiar? Enter Covenant Eyes

Covenant Eyes takes the idea of accountability and puts it into action in a way you've never experienced before. Sure, they offer the traditional filtering/blocking features, but what made the difference for me was the accountability component. Whenever one of my devices would access explicit content, a complete report of what I had accessed and when I accessed it was created and sent directly to MY MOM! You think I thought twice before I accessed filthy content knowing full-well that my mom would be notified of my actions? You better believe it! 

I had to come to the conclusion that for me to successfully make some headway in overcoming my addiction, I needed to build my internal filter. I couldn't rely on an algorithm or application to be accountable for me, that's my job. So, whenever I had a setback, my mom was going to know anyway, so it was easier for me to shoot her a text or give her a call and give a heads-up that I had a lost battle and wanted to talk battle strategy for her. 

These accountability conversations continued and progressed into pro-active planning sessions. As we noticed trends in when satan tried to get at me, we crafted plans for me to keep busy during those times and, POOF! Just like that I eliminated 70%+ of my battles altogether! 

Now that I'm married, my wife is my Covenant Eyes partner. I can't tell you how much trust and love is fostered when I can give her a call or text, let her know that my brain chemistry is a little off, and make a plan to get back to a level "0" on the chemical scale. I owe a lot of that mental muscle development to Covenant Eyes. 

Covenant Eyes is now a Strategic Partner of the Eternal Warrior Podcast! You can get your first 30 days free when you sign up and use promo code EWP!