Books We Love
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One of the questions that we get asked all of the time is, "What books do you guys recommend?" Or "What can I read to get some Warrior Chemistry going?" While true Warrior Chemistry comes from deep within, these are a few titles that we love that have helped with our recovery stories.
Like Dragons Did They Fight - By Maurice Harker
The Granddaddy of all LCS content - "Like Dragons" is the Magnum Opus of Maurice Harker and lays out the truth about the war with satan and pornography. If you are looking for a place to start with your recovery journey, this book is for you.
Atomic Habits - By James Clear
James Clear's title helps us realize that habits are for more indicative of success than whatever our goals are at any given moment. Clear basically outlines how Behavior is a function of the Person in their environment and that good habits help to reduce stress.
Change Anything - By David Maxfield, Joseph Grenny, Kerry Patterson, Ron McMillan, and Al Switzler
Have you ever lost a battle and afterward asked yourself, "How the heck did that happen?!" So many times we are fighting with one hand tied behind our backs because our environments are not set up for success. This collaborative work teaches you how to change your environment so that the world around you is fighting on your behalf instead of against you.
The Happiness Advantage - By Shawn Achor
One of satan's most nasty lies is that happiness and love is only available as soon as we meet a certain milestone or reach a certain point. In this book, Shawn Achor turns that lie on its head and teaches us that the opposite is true; that our success is fueled by our attitude.